Risk programme at RE-culture III

RE-culture III
Patras, Greece

8 November - 28 December 2014

Animate in collaboration with artist Katerina Athanasopoulou, has curated a programme of films responding to the theme of risk, which is the theme of the 3rd International Visual Art Festival Patras organised by Art in Progress.

The featured works are:
Animal Tragic, Tim Macmillan, 2003
The Black Dog’s Progress, Stephen Irwin, 2008
Z, Alan Warburton, 2012
Bradley Manning Had Secrets, Adam Butcher, 2011
Save Me, Stuart Hilton, 1994
Rabbit, Run Wrake, 2005
Engine Angelic, Katerina Athanasopoulou, 2010
Tiny People Tribe, Motomichi Nakamura, 2013
Damaged Goods, Barnaby Barford, 2008
3 Ways To Go, Sarah Cox, 1997
Tad’s Nest, Petra Freeman, 2009
Camouflage, Jonathan Hodgson, 2001