Time Tear

Artist's statement

From the outset the residency presented a vital opportunity to investigate the workings and behaviours of extreme situations of form and narration in animation. The main focus lay in investigating and probing the ‘mechanics’ of the animated image in relation to the audience's physical limits of perception.

Several experiments, ranging from multiple narrative structures over formal disfigurement to subliminal interference, generated a small series of films. Others are incorporated or going to be further developed in forthcoming works, as the research initiated at the residency will be continued fervently in the future.

Time Tear presents one of the few technical devices developed that can carry multiple narratives in a single screen by dividing time, space or colour. In this instance the screen space is literally shared between two separate narration streams, but are occupied by the same protagonist. The variations in the surroundings or the condition of the protagonist could potentially drive a narration.