Stop. Watch.

Short films by artists that address ecological emergencies.

Animate Projects and RSA Arts & Ecology, in partnership with Arts Council England commissioned seven artists to make short films for the internet that explore ecological themes.

The artists, from the UK, USA, Switzerland, Sweden and Korea are: Jordan Baseman, Phil Coy, Manu Luksch, Christine Ödlund, Elodie Pong, Simon Woolham, and Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries.

They take diverse approaches, that consistently and powerfully challenge common perceptions and clichés of current debates about environmental crises and their human impact.

The films screened across the UK and internationally, showing at venues including ZKM, Germany, DCA, Dundee, Scotland and Khoj Centre, New Delhi, India.



The RSA (The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) combines thought leadership with social innovation to further human progress. Building on a 250 year history as a beacon for enlightenment values, it undertakes influential and varied research projects and hosts the UK’s most ambitious free lecture series. This work is supported by 27,000 Fellows, an international network of influencers and innovators from every field and background.

RSA Arts & Ecology programme

The RSA Arts & Ecology programme is based around the idea of ecology as a web of relations, actively exploring the causes, repercussions and implications of environmental changes and emergencies. Through a series of artist residencies and commissions, it provides artists with opportunities to develop their practice in relation to the aims of the Arts & Ecology programme within challenging and interesting environments.

Artists are engaging with environment in its broadest sense and are able to make connections between often geographically and conceptually remote ideas and concerns through their work. Hence the strategy is to create the conditions for making imaginative connections, posing alternative futures and bringing unexpected perspectives to light.

The Arts & Ecology programme is being developed in partnership with Arts Council England.

Arts Council England

Arts Council England works to get more art to more people in more places. It develops and promotes the arts across England, acting as an independent body at arm’s length from government. The Council aims to create a more confident, diverse and innovative arts sector which is valued by and in tune with the communities it serves.


RSA Arts & Ecology