
Strangers on a train, points on a journey through the accepted nature of things. Fast-talking animation scratches the surface of our familiarity as we question the answers we’ve been offered.


Director Ian Cross
Music Performer Simon De Souza


Strangers on a train, points on a journey through the accepted nature of things. Fast-talking animation scratches the surface of our familiarity as we question the answers we’ve been offered.

'Naked came I out of my mothers womb and naked shall I return.' Job 1.21 Scrutiny questions the accepted nature of things – birth, sex, marriage, death and DIY. Rapid-fire animation, fidgeting on the film’s surface, challenges us to make sense of it, while the contrasting live action lulls us into a false sense of familiarity. A journey is depicted, taking us through the heart of the country and ending amidst the seemingly chaotic life of a city.

Technical information

Mixing photographic and computer-generated images (printed directly onto 35mm film) and interspersed with live action.

Full credits

Director Ian Cross
Music Performer Simon De Souza
Special thanks to Harry Rushton at Bucks Motion Picture Labs, Brian Tagg, Dick Arnall, Jimmy Hefferman, Jo Wright, Steve Marshall and Karen Chung