Charlie Tweed
Solo exhibitions
Duration: 8'17"
The Notes II video series consists of ‘video transmissions’ that were made on a residency at the Galerie Klatovy Klenova in the Czech Republic (selected and organised by curator Pavel Vancat). The videos make some reference to Czech culture and past history including the plan to construct a tunnel to the Adriatic Sea where the dirt would be utilised to build an island and provide a seaside resort.
In the first transmission, Navstevnici, a group discuss their plans to “avoid impact” by tunneling to the “safety of the sea” and preparing their old habitat by releasing “the beetle” and maintaining “an incendiary condition”.
In the second transmission, Singularity, - plans for achieving complete technological singularity are discussed. These plans include the locating of “all prion sequences”, pre-empting and error correcting all actions and “nurturing the singularity” utilising DIY surgery.
The final transmission, Ionosphere, moves its focus to the sky and harnesses geo-engineering techniques. It proposes a plan of replenishment by adapting the earth’s ionosphere utilising homemade tesla transmitters “to adjust the plasma layer” and “reduce temperatures by up to seventy degrees”.
Notes Part I, II and III will be exhibited at Spike Island, Bristol in October 2010. This exhibition is presented in association with Animate Projects and ArtSway. With thanks also to Curator Pavel Vancat and Galerie Klatovy Klenova, Czech Republic for commissioning Notes II.