Jossie Malis



Jossie Malis (1976) is an illustrator, animator and filmmaker of Peruvian-Chilean origin. Having grown up between two countries, he has spent the last decade between two continents, living in New York, Florida and Barcelona, and is now sending signals to outer space from the island of Mallorca in Spain. His work is an acute commentary on humans and their weaknesses, their machines, their dreams and the mysteries of the universe.


Bendito Machine IV, 2012
.Sub, 2012
The Fantastic World of Fantástico Morales, 2010
Bendito Machine III, 2009
Bendito Machine II, 2007
Bendito Machine I, 2006
Sopa, 2005
Pacha, 2005
Memento Mori, 2004
I'm not sleepy, 2003
Z, 1998