Animation meets high art. - Time Out London
Established in 1990, Animate has commissioned over 100 innovative and challenging films by artists. It is the longest running broadcast-linked project ever supported by Arts Council England, and the most consistent commitment ever made by Channel 4 to the independent production of experimental and artists' work. Selected through an open call for proposals, the commissions are broadcast by Channel 4 and have gained critical and popular success at international festivals and achieved television sales around the world.
Animate Projects was established in 2007 with support from Arts Council England to build on and extend the existing commissioning programme, developing new partnerships and collaborations. We aim to realise the potential of the Animate Collection; exploit the opportunities of digital distribution; develop participatory projects and foster critical debate.
Dick Arnall
Dick Arnall, who died in February 2007, was closely involved with Animate from the very beginning - as its independent production advisor, from 1990. He took a break, to return to producing films in his own right, including Jo Ann Kaplan’s Anatomy of Melancholy for Animate, and Robert Bradbrook's multi-award winning Home Road Movies.
From 2001, Dick's company Finetake ran the project, taking it in new directions, setting up animateonline and the Animate Artists Award, and developing Animate’s extensive exhibition programme, taking the work to unexpecting audiences in new contexts. The animateonline website has now been archived as Dick left it in December 2006.
More than anything, he'll be remembered as the artists' staunchest champion, supporter, and friend.
To everyone who has worked for Animate a big thank you: Irene Maher, Daniel Bell, Philippa Rice, Hattie Masterson, Rob Gallagher, Claire Pinegar, Su-Min Hwang, Nisha Duggal, Edwin Rostron, Tarnia Gracie, Bettina Fung and Sam Mercer.